S. Pritam Singh IAS(Retd.) was unanimously re-elected as the President of Institute of Sikh Studies(IOSS), Chandigarh for the year 2011 at a Meeting held at the IOSS Headquarters on 29th December 2010. His name was proposed by Er. Mohinder Singh and was seconded by Bhai Ashok Singh and S. Gajindar Singh. The members present appreciated the hard work put in by the outgoing team lead by S. Pritam Singh which was evident from the excellent response to Annual Seminar on Guru Gobind Singh, Seminar of Rural Economy of Punjab, Conference of Banda Singh Bahadur, Round table conference and Seminar on NCHER 2010 and the First Bhai Vir Singh ji memorial lecture.

S. Pritam Singh thanked the members for their cooperation during his second year as President and requested the same for the coming year. He promised to work harder towards the completion of existing projects as also take up fresh projects to take the IOSS towards greater heights.