The IOSS Quarterly Journal

Started in year 1991, this Journal on Sikh studies has been continuously published since then in the months January, April, July, October every year. Among its contents are well researched and well documental articles related to Sikh studies and Editorials, articles, book reviews of recently published books along with the latest news & views mainly in English with one or two articles in Punjabi with the rising public demand. It has a significant readership in India and abroad. Hard copy of this Journal is available through paid nominal subscription and a little later on our website free of cost. Its annual subscription is as under:

Country Yearly 5 Yearly Life time
India 200/- 550/- 2000/-
Abroad 2000/- 5500/- 20,000/-

Subscriptions can be paid directly in our account, details are given below:

  • Axis Bank Ltd
  • A/c No 919010071482516
  • Name: Institute of Sikh Studies
  • Branch: Sector 19-D, Chandigarh
  • NEFT/ IFSC UTIB0003149

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Back issues of AOSS will be uploaded in PDF format for easy download. Hard copies of the back issues of the Abstracts of Sikh Studies, are available at the office of the Institute and Soft copies be uploaded on Website.

Collaboration with Library of Congress, WARP and UNICEF

The Institute has collaboration with various International Organizations such as Heavenly Culture, World Peace Restoration of Light (WHPL, Seoul, South Korea, UNICEF and Library of Congress, Washington DC (Head office at New Delhi). Representatives from the Library of Congress, Washington DC, contacted the Institute and made a visit to its campus to obtain all its publications for inclusion in their Library at USA. Thus, all publications of the Institute now form a part of that Library – one of the biggest in the world.

They have asked us to send them our future publications too. The Institute was invited to participate in a Peace Summit organised by Heavenly Culture, World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL) at Seoul, South Korea held on 17-18 September 2014. Dr Rajindarjit Kaur (Dhindsa) represented the Institute at this historic event. She also signed "The Unity of Religion Agreement".

She distributed Gurbani quotes, related to the occasion, to participants. On July 2, 2016, an interfaith dialogue and discussion was organized under the aegis of a collaborative effort of South Korea based World Peace Promoting Organization HWPL and the Institute of Sikh Studies (IOSS) Chandigarh at the Institute's campus. The prominent representatives' of six Semitic (western) and oriental (eastern) religions namely Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism participated in the discussion. Recently on 29th January 2024 on the eve of Martyrdom day of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation.

A Peace Walk and an Inter-faith Harmony Meet of religious scholars representing various religions was organized jointly by our sister Organization, International Sikh Confederation, Chandigarh, under the stewardship of Col Jagtar Singh Multani along with Yuvsatta NGO, Chandigarh and HWPL, South Korea at People’s Convention Centre, Sector 36, Chandigarh. Significantly, three representatives from HWPL, South Korea namely Mr. Daniel Jeong, Mr. Joseph Lee and Mr. Arun Naik came all the way and participated in the Peace Walk as well as Harmony Meet.

Seminar and other Academic and Literary Activities

IOSS has been holding Seminars, Conferences, Lectures, Group Discussions and Lectures on important Sikh issues periodically which have received overwhelming response from our valuable patrons. Distinguished scholars on Sikhism and Sikh Studies have been participating in these Academinc and literary activities. Recently we have concluded a 10 lecture series in commemoration of Dr Kharak Singh one our revered founders. Prominent List of Seminar is given blow:

  • Minority Issues: Challenge & Response (2017)
  • Uplifting the Neglected Sections of Sikhs (2016)
  • Peaceful Co-Existence and Role of Sikhs (2014)
  • Sikhims and Women (2011)
  • Sikhs Living in States other Than Punjab (2009)
  • The Changing Demography of Punjab (2007)
  • Concept of Akal Takht (2006)
  • Punjab Waters – SYL Canal (2002)
  • Missing Sikh Prisoners (2001)