1. Name : This
association will know as The Institute of Sikh Studies.
Location and Area of operation : The Head office
of the Institute shall be at No. 127, Sector 9, Chandigarh
or such other place as the Institute may determine. The area
of operation will be the entire world.
Aims And Objects: The Institute is a non-political
organisation set up mainly to interpret and propagate the
Sikh religion. Specifically the aims and objects are :-
i. To interpret the basic philosophy / theology of Sikhism
enunciated in the original writings of Guru Nanak and the
succeeding Gurus.
ii. The studies the history of development of Sikh religious
through, society, traditions and polity, and to bring out
the contribution of Sikhism towards advancement of universal
religious thought and human welfare.
iii. To prepare and publish suitable literature on the above
aspects, and to disseminate information on Sikhism through
common media, meetings, seminars, talks, discussions, etc.
To watch and to counter any attempts to misinterpret Sikhism,
or any hostile propaganda against religious philosophy,
doctrines, traditions and history of Sikhs or Sikh way of
v. To encourage establishment of Centres / Groups / Fora
of Sikhs at suitable places in India and abroad to promote
the aims and objects of the Institute.
iv. To maintain close liaison with affiliated Centres through
visits, periodical newsletters exchange, and supply of literature
published by the Institute from time to time.
vii. To establish and maintain contact with existing religious
organisations and institutions interested in the Aims and
Objects of the Institute, and to extend cooperation to as
well as seek cooperation and assistance from them on specific
viii To set up a reference Library for the benefit of members
and scholars working for the Institute.
ix. To prepare and introduced courses of instruction on
Sikhism in schools and colleges, willing to participate.
x. To cater to the needs of masses and religious groups
of Sikhs in their missionary pursuits mainly through supply
of literature.
To cooperate with non-Sikh organisations genuinely interested
in the study of Sikh religion.
xii. To obtain gifts, donations and contributions and to
raise funds for the purpose of carrying out the aims and
objects of the Institute.
xiii. To set up Central office of the Institute with provision
for collection, classification and study of information
and material pertaining to matters of interest to the Institute
and current religious affairs.
xiv. To acquire by purchase, gift, bequest etc., land, buildings
and other properties for the benefit of the Institute and
furtherance of its activities.
xv. To take on lease or otherwise, any land or buildings
required for the Institute and its staff.
xvi. To manage all properties vested in or acquired by the
Institute for its benefit.
Membership: Membership will be open to those persons:
who believe in the teachings of the Ten Gurus and the Guru
Granth Sahib, and no other Guru Deity,
b. who share the aims and objects of the Institute, outlined
above, and who are willing to spare time, and work for their
attainment, and
c. who pay an initial admission fee of Rs. 1,000/-, besides
an annual subscription of Rs. 500/-.
of members of the Institute is given in Appendix I.
Admission of new members of the Institute after its registration
shall be subject to unanimous approval of the existing members,
as obtained by the secretary.
Termination of membership: A person shall cease to
be a member of the Institute on:
a. his/her death,
b. resignation,
c. insolvency,
d. insanity,
e. a resolution passed in a General meeting by two thirds
majority of the total membership of the Institute,
f. Nonpayment of subscription for two years.
Executive Committee: The management and administration
of the Institute shall vest in its executive committee which
shall consist of following office bearers and members :
i. President
ii. Vice-President
iii. Secretary
iv. Joint Secretary
v. Treasurer
vi. Member
vii. Member
Term of office-bearers and members of the executive committee:
The term of office-bearers and members of the executive committee
shall be one calendar year from 1st of January to 31st December.
Except for the first President, election of the President
shall be held every year in the month of November/December.
The President shall nominate the remaining office-bearers
and members shall, however, be eligible for re-election /
nomination, as the case be.
Meetings: i. The annual general meeting of the Institute
shall be held before the close of the calendar year on any
convenient date during November or December every year. The
following shall be the business to be transacted at this meeting
a. Report about the affairs and functioning of the Institute
b. Statement of Accounts completed up to the 31st October
of that particular year
c. Budget for the following year
d. Election of the President of the Institute
e. Any other matter with the permission of the President
ii. Besides the annual general meeting, there shall be at
least three ordinary General meeting during a calendar year,
so that there is one general meeting once in every quarter
to transact such business as the Executive committee may
consider necessary.
iii. The Execute committee shall meet at least once a month.
Working groups and sub-committees: The executive
committee may setup Sub-Committees or working groups to attend
to specific tasks or projects. Even non-members can be dominated
to working groups, provided it is considered necessary to
meet the requirements of a particular task or project.
Quorum: a. The quorum of the annual general meeting
will be one third of the members residing in India.
b. The quorum for an Ordinary General meeting shall be one
fourth of the members residing in India.
c. The quorum for the meeting of the Executive committee shall
be four.
Funds: Finances of the Society will come from :
a. Admissions Fees of members.
b. Annual subscriptions of members.
c. Contributions from affiliated groups.
d. Donations from individuals.
e. Contributions from existing organisations and Sangats
/ Sabhas interested in the projects of the society.
Accounts: i. All funds received or collected shall
be deposited in the name of the Institute in one or more scheduled
banks, approved by the executive Committee.
ii. The Bank accounts shall be operated jointly by the secretary
and the Treasurer. In case one of them is not available, then
signature of the President or joint secretary will be essential.
Assets: The entire property of the Institute, of
every kind shall vest in the Institute and be managed and
dealt with in accordance with the Rules of the Institute.
i. It shall not be open to the council, or any other body,
constituted under this memorandum or its rules and regulations,
to effect any change or make any amendment in the Aims set
out in 3 above, except by the existing Aims, for which the
Institute has been established, and no amendment made in
any other provision of this memorandum or the Rules and
Regulations and bye-laws shall be valid, if it runs counter
to the aims and objects of the Institute has been set up.
ii. Subject to the provisions specified above, the rules
and regulations appended to this memorandum shall be regarded
as fundamental rules of this institute, and no additions
or amendment of fundamental rules of this Institute, and
no addition or amendment of any kind shall be made in them
unless and until the proposed alteration, deletion or amendment
etc. after having been notified in the agenda has been passed
by majority of at least two third of the members of the
Institute, residing in India, at a meeting specially called
for that purpose on 15 days clear notice in accordance with
rules regarding the calling and conduct of a General meeting
of the Institute.
Bye-Laws: For discharge of the functions or those
of any body constituted by or under its authority, for setting
up, efficient running, and management of the Institute or
any undertaking or institution set up by it, the Institute
may from time to time frame such bye-laws, not inconsistent
with the Aims and Objects of the Institute and its memorandum
of Association, as it considers necessary.
Under Act XXI of 1860)
a. The ‘Institute’ means ‘The Institute
of Sikh Studies’.
b. ‘Rules and Regulations’ means the ‘Rules
and Regulations’ with such amendments as may be made
from time to time in accordance with the provisions contained
in the memorandum.
c. ‘Bye-Laws’ mean the bye-laws that may be framed
by the Institute from time to time.
Vesting of Assets and Managements
The administration and control of the Institute of Sikh Studies
and all its properties, moveable and immoveable, shall vest
in the Institute. The Institute shall administer all the affairs
of the Society, efficiently manage and perform all its functions
and discharge its duties, as laid down
Election of Office Bearers
a. Every such election shall be by majority vote, each member
having single nontransferable vote in case of tie the Chairman
will have a casting vote.
b. The retiring President will preside at such a meeting.
The Chairman of the first meeting for election of President
shall, however, be chosen by Members present at that meeting
and out of themselves.
Vacancy of Office
a. If the office of the President falls vacant, the Vice-President
of the Institute will take over for the rest of the term.
b. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled up by the
President for the rest of the term.
Functions of Office Bearers
I. President
i. The President shall be the executive head of the Institute.
ii. He shall also exercise effective control and genera superintendence
over the affairs of the Institute and the institutions under
it, being answerable to the Institute.
i. The Vice-President shall perform the duties and exercise
such powers and functions of the President, as are delegated
to him by the President in writing.
ii. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall
function and preside over the meetings of the Institute, its
Executive Committee, etc.
III. Secretary
i. The Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out the
policy of the Institute and implementation of its decisions
and those of the other bodies set up by it.
ii. He shall carry on correspondence on behalf of the Institute
and its committees and Institutions.
iii. He shall summon meetings with the approval of the President,
keep minutes, record proceedings, maintain all records, and
perform such other duties, as the Institute may direct.
iv. He shall prepare and present the Annual Budget of the
Institute, and the Institutions, and file the necessary statements
with the Registrar of Societies.
Joint Secretary :
The join Secretary shall perform such functions and duties,
as are laid down by the Executive Committee from time to time.
The treasurer shall receive all the monies, donations and
properties on behalf of the Institute, and all the monies
so received shall be deposited with a scheduled bank at chandigarh
in the name of the Institute. This account shall be operated
as laid down in the para 12 of the memorandum.
The account of the Institute and its institutions, shall be
audited every year by an Auditor appointed by the Institute.
©Copyright Institute
of Sikh Studies, 2009, All rights reserved.