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In the spring of 1997, I was in India to participate in the Gurmat Chetna Lehr. In Delhi, during informal talks with friends, I shared a few of my experiences regarding my discussions with the Western youth. It was suggested that I publish these episodes because they were useful lessons for all people. I liked the idea and consequently recorded them into this book.

The first six articles were written in July 1997 in Birmingham, U.K. which I visited on my return journey. They were typed, and repeatedly corrected by a student Jaskaran Singh, his sister and their cousin. The remaining job was completed in September, 1997 by two students, Jasjit Singh and Baldeesh Singh in Vancouver, Canada.

In November 1997, I again went to India to join the Gurmat Chatna Lehr. I requested S. Raminder Singh of Patiala and Bibi Prabhjot Kaur of Chandigarh to suggest improvements to the draft. S. Paul Singh of Canada and Mrs. Sumit Kaur of Chandigarh also made useful suggestions. On her advice, the previous title Lessons learnt from the youth was changed to Wisdom of the youth because most of the articles are related to the discussions with the youth. Two students, Sandip Singh and Tarndip Singh of Burnaby, Canada read the manuscript to finalize the draft for printing. Taranjeet Singh, of Richmond made useful editorial contributions and typeset the final copy. All of them deserve the thanks of the author.

The learning of these lessons was made possible by the kindness of more than three dozen directors of Sikh youth camps in many countries. Over the last fourteen years, they have invited me to address the youth and have free and frank discussions with them. I am obliged to all of them for their invaluable help and contributions.

Gurbakhsh Singh



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