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Gur Panth Parkash

Gur Panth Parkash
by Rattan Singh Bhangoo
Translated by
Prof Kulwant Singh



Wahu Wahu

A Review by Sadhu Singh

Author : Kulwant Singh Khokhar
Publisher: Singh Brothers, Bazar Mai Sewan, Amritsar
Pages: 208 pages; Price: Free

Dr Kulwant Singh Khokhar is a well-known writer. All his books are on Sikhism. He has 27 books to his credit. The book under review is a great contribution to Sikh way of life.

I congratulate Dr Khokhar for this wonderful book on the subject of Sikhism but with a scientific approach. He has given the devotees of Sikhism a clean and scientific road map to understand and realize the ultimate reality. Dr Khokhar has really done a brilliant scholarly yet lyrical synthesis. He takes a scientific as well as spiritual approach to the ultimate mystery of life, giving us a breath taking and awe-inspiring version of divinity. After reading Wahu Wahu, you will have a much deeper understanding of who you are and your role in the universe. It awakens our consciousness which is what spirituality is all about in the first place. The knowledge presented in the book can change your thinking.

This remarkable book expresses profoundly a universal message of spiritual ideals. While turning the pages, cascades of revelation come flowing out, washing away all the preconceived ideas and dogmatic hindrances which have dominated religious thinking all down the ages. As all barriers between the material and the spiritual worlds crumble through the power of the all-pervading light shining into the heart, the reader is placed face to face with the greatest of all mysteries, losing thereby the illusion of the self, a process which Dr Khochar illustrates with sublime inspiration by quoting from Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

The book Wahu Wahu is an excellent exposition of the Sikh way of life, from the cradle to the grave. No matter what ones religious inclinations may be, one can find affirmation, joy and fulfilment in Wahu Wahu. This book is a must for those who have entered the new millennium as blissful, creative and multi-dimension beings.


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